Susan G. Komen: 2020

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Thank you to all of the participants who joined the KDC effort to support the fight against breast cancer.  We had a total of 86 participants this year that helped raise $2,150!  With your help, we were able to assist in raising awareness toward the effort to eradicate breast cancer. Susan G. Komen

Mary’s Path Renovation

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Mary’s Path (formerly Mary’s Shelter) is a non-profit organization that provides homes, care, and quality services for pregnant and parenting minors in Santa Ana, CA. Mary’s Path empowers teen mothers to manage their lives and create families that thrive. It is a place to find dignity, learn self-sufficiency, and restore hope. In 1994 Mary’s Path purchased their first home which …

Glennwood Housing Foundation Renovation

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In 2013, Glennwood Housing Foundation, Inc. opened the doors to a 42 room Adult Residential Facility in Laguna Beach, California that became home for up to 50 young adults with development disabilities. Glennwood House of Laguna Beach is on a 33,000 square foot site that includes state-of-the-art living, dining, kitchen, recreational, and social spaces. The Southern California KDC Construction team …

Salvation Army Rehab Center Remodel

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Each year since 2011, the Restaurant Facility Management Association’s “RFMA Gives” program selects a charitable shelter or kitchen that’s in need of repairs or remodeling. RFMA Gives pools the talents and resources of RFMA members and shares them with the chosen non-profit food service organization to make a significant difference in its ability to serve the community. Through the 2017-2018 …

Swing For Children Tournament

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Active 20-30 US & Canada is a national service organization, made up of men and women in their 20s and 30s that have a passion for improving the lives of children in their communities. These emerging leaders serve local children through hands-on work and fundraising. Active 20-30 Club Hangtown #43, a chapter local to the KDC Northern California office, organizes …